As Central Oregon residents, we know the value of a reliable air conditioning system during the scorching summer months. But when is the right time to schedule air conditioning service to ensure optimal performance and avoid unexpected breakdowns? With over 70 years of experience serving the region, our heating and cooling experts have put together this guide outlining the key indicators it’s time to schedule an air conditioning service, the types of units we service, and proactive steps to keep you cool all summer long. 

Signs You Need Air Conditioning Service

While some signs are obvious, like a complete system shutdown, others might be more subtle. Here are some key indicators that warrant scheduling an air conditioning service:

  • Unusual Noises: Strange clanging, grinding, or screeching sounds coming from your AC unit are red flags. These noises could indicate loose parts, failing bearings, or a damaged compressor.
  • Inconsistent Cooling: Is your AC struggling to keep up with the summer heat? Are some rooms uncomfortably warm while others are cool? This inconsistency often points to a clogged air filter, refrigerant leak, or malfunctioning thermostat.
  • Poor Airflow: Reduced airflow from the vents can be a sign of a clogged filter, blocked ducts, or other issues that require professional maintenance.
  • Increased Energy Bills: If your energy bills are inexplicably high, it could be a sign that your AC system is working overtime to compensate for inefficiency. Regular maintenance can help optimize performance and reduce energy consumption.

Many of these signs—including strange smells and complete system shutdowns—can also indicate a need for emergency repair. If you have any doubts, call our office at 541-382-1231. 

Proactive Maintenance Keeps Your System Optimized 

Scheduling regular air conditioning service isn’t just about addressing warning signs; it’s crucial for maintaining peak performance and preventing costly breakdowns in the long run. With an annual air conditioning service, proactive maintenance offers several key benefits. It allows technicians to identify minor issues before they escalate into major repairs, saving you money. Additionally, a well-maintained system operates more efficiently, lowering energy bills and reducing wear and tear on your equipment. This translates to consistent and comfortable temperatures throughout your home, preventing unexpected breakdowns that could leave you without cool air during the hottest days of summer. 

Most importantly, by addressing minor issues promptly through regular maintenance, you can significantly extend the lifespan of your AC system, saving you the cost of a full replacement down the line. 

Your Air Conditioning Experts 

At Bend Heating & Sheet Metal, we service a wide range of air conditioning units, including:

Central Air Conditioning

Central air systems are a popular choice for providing whole-house cooling comfort. Bend Heating’s expert technicians are skilled in maintaining and servicing central air units to ensure efficient and reliable performance.

Ductless Systems

For those seeking a more flexible and energy-efficient cooling solution, we specialize in ductless mini-split system installations, maintenance, and repairs. These systems keep your home cool and comfortable without the need for ductwork. 

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps provide both cooling and heating, making them versatile systems for year-round comfort. Bend Heating’s technicians are trained to service and maintain heat pumps to ensure optimal performance.

Bend Heating & Sheet Metal is proud to be a factory-authorized dealer of Carrier AC products, renowned for their high-quality comfort and efficiency and an industry-best warranty. If you’re considering upgrading your air conditioning system, Bend Heating can guide you through the process and help you choose the best Carrier unit for your home.

Keep Cool With Bend Heating

Don’t wait until the hottest days of summer to address potential air conditioning issues. Contact Bend Heating & Sheet Metal today to schedule your service appointment. Our NATE-certified technicians are highly trained and experienced in handling all your air conditioning needs, ensuring your home stays cool and comfortable throughout the season.

Remember, proactive maintenance is key to avoiding unnecessary breakdowns and maximizing the lifespan of your air conditioning system. With Bend Heating & Sheet Metal as your trusted partner, you can rest assured that your cool comfort is always in good hands.